100% Sport – Dorian Navarro, French number 3 in an armchair padel

How do you restore meaning to your life after a terrible accident? Dorian Navarro, a 24-year-old native of Nice, turned to racket sports and is now one of the best in his discipline.

Victim of a bad joke when he was 19He becomes paraplegic and now lives in a wheelchair.

The accident is really stupid. I was on vacation with some friends and they wanted to prank me by hanging my tent canvas on their car. I was inside, they started the car and drove it a short distance, only the tent canvas hit a tree, I was inside…

After months of rehabilitation, Dorian Navarro gradually accepts his new life, and takes up ping-pong to pass the time. Racquet sport which became a real passion for the young man. He will then go to wheelchair tennis, then padel. Today it is 3rd French player in this discipline and continues the tournaments. A real performance for the Nice who hopes to participate in the Paralympic Games and become the best player in the world.

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