100% Rugby ─ with Manu Ordas, a look back at Maxime Lucu’s premiere with the XV of France and US Nafarroa

Aviron Bayonnais is back in Pro D2 this week. After the setback against Mont-de-Marsan, it is in Oyonnax that the Bayonnais go this Thursday. The Bayonne opener Manu Ordas is one of the guests of 100% Rugby. Also on the program: return to the first selection of Maxime Lucu, Senpertar, former captain of Biarritz Olympique this Sunday during the victory against Georgia. To talk about it : Roger aguerre, former trainer at BO, and Arthur Diagne, Miaritzeko Mutilak. First match also with the Baa-baas for Mathieu Hirigoyen and Joe Ravouvou, victory against Tonga. In the home stretch, Anthony Cachenaut, captain of US Nafarroa, winner of Mauléon this Sunday during the 9th day of Federal 1.

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