100% Francophone immigration by 2026, says Legault

(Quebec) François Legault is “open to all suggestions” to put an end to the decline of French in Quebec, but he closes the door “in the foreseeable future” to introducing Bill 101 in CEGEP, and is betting above all on 100% immigration French-speaking.

“The key is really around immigration,” launched the Prime Minister in a press scrum on Tuesday, the day of resumption of parliamentary work.

He identified two major challenges that his government, but also the opposition parties, and civil society, will have to meet in the coming years. The first is the fight against climate change. The second is to “absolutely eliminate the decline of French, particularly in Montreal”.

“We are at less than 50% francophone on the island of Montreal. We are at 48%. We have already taken action with Bill 96, we have already started to take action regarding the selection of immigrants, we will continue to take action to absolutely stop the decline of French, and I am open to all suggestions, ” said Mr. Legault.

However, it closes the door to the application of Bill 101 in CEGEPs, a request from the Parti Québécois and several teachers’ unions.

“We know that all newcomers have to send their children to school in French for all of primary and all of secondary school. Would two or three years of CEGEP change the situation? The urgency is really to see what we do with immigration, ”replied the Prime Minister.

“Measures like these will always be part of the discussions, but we don’t think it’s an element that brings something structuring […] For the foreseeable future, the door is closed,” he said.

He also reacted to the report by The Press which revealed that the decline of French is not only visible in Montreal, but also in several regions of Quebec. He points out that action must be taken “in certain regions, such as regions near the United States and Ontario”.

“Dramatic” in Montreal

“You have to look in Quebec, we are around 78%, 80% Francophone. It is certain that there is a fall of four to five points for 20 years. On the other hand, where it is dramatic, it is really in Montreal where we have fallen below the 50% mark, ”he said.

The use of French has declined in most regions of Quebec, and not just in Montreal, according to an analysis of the most recent data from the 2021 census from Statistics Canada. No less than 81 of the approximately 100 regional county municipalities in Quebec recorded a decline in the share of French as the first official language spoken, between 2016 and 2021.

As for its objective of 100% Francophone immigration, it is lagging behind because of a “backlog” made up of “immigrants who were selected by the former government”, said Mr. Legault, who is Prime Minister since 2018. Quebec controls approximately 65% ​​of the 50,000 immigrants the province receives each year. It is this portion that will have to be completely French-speaking.

He promises to address the issue on Wednesday in his opening speech and believes his 2026 goal is “absolutely” achievable. “That’s what we have to aim for,” he said.

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