“10% of the French population” was screened “in one week”, according to the Union of pharmacists’ unions

Faced with demand, the spokesperson for the Union of trade unions of dispensing pharmacists, Gilles Bonnefond, asked this Saturday on franceinfo “ephemeral centers and screening centers” to relieve pharmacies.

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“10% of the French population went to pharmacies to be tested in a week”, explained this Saturday, January 8 on franceinfo Gilles Bonnefond, dispensary pharmacist in Montélimar and spokesperson for the Union of dispensing pharmacists’ unions (USPO), while pharmacies are overwhelmed by screening for Covid- 19.

“We broke records again yesterday”, January 7, because “There were 2.5 million tests recorded on the SI-DEP platform. We will be at 10 million tests in seven days, and pharmacists are doing about two-thirds of them”, said Gilles Bonnefond.

In addition, many children under 12 come for screening, “often in groups of 20 because there is a positive case in their class”, added the USPO spokesperson, without forgetting the vaccination.

To relieve pharmacies, it is necessary “make ephemeral centers and screening centers to have the help of nurses, doctors, students, and to be able to hire them with an allowance from the Health Insurance so that they can do a few hours “, pleaded Gilles Bonnefond.

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