10 new sexual assault and rape complaints from a fake doctor

He pretended to be a fake dermatologist. A man in his forties is now targeted by thirteen women for sexual assault and rape in Besançon. The facts would have happened during laser hair removal sessions in a doctor’s office, between March 2020 and October 2021. The public prosecutor of Besançon Etienne Manteau gave an update on the case this Tuesday, July 26. After the first three testimonies in November 2021, the prosecution launched a call for witnesses at the end of the year. 10 new complaints have since been filed with the police.

Five complaints filed for rape

The last testimony dates from May. “We initially thought that these were isolated facts. We never would have believed that this case would take on such a magnitude”, explains the prosecutor. This fake doctor has a background in graphic design and carpentry. He passed in 2020 a diploma of medical assistant. During the sessions, the victims thought they were dealing with his brother, who is indeed a dermatologist. They describe touching and some of the digital penetrations during laser hair removal. Five complaints were filed for rape by the prosecution.

The forties was indicted in November 2021 and placed under judicial supervision. One of the testimonies was not accepted against him because of his romantic past with the complainant.

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