10 new rape complaints registered against a man midwife already convicted of the same facts

The new complainants accuse the health professional of touching and rape during gynecological examinations, between 2010 and 2016.

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Ten new rape complaints have been filed against Lionel Charvin, a midwife who practiced in Montpellier and already convicted of rape a little over a year ago, France Bleu Hérault learned from a source close to the investigation on Wednesday. March 30. According to the same source, a new judicial investigation has been opened.

New complainants therefore came forward to the police to accuse the midwife of touching and rape, under the pretext of gynecological examinations. The facts according to them date back from 2010 to 2016. The police, who do not exclude new complaints, invite any complainants to contact the investigators of the departmental security of Hérault.

Lionel Charvin was sentenced at the end of February 2021 to twelve years in prison by the criminal court of Hérault for 11 rapes of former patients, committed from 2013 to 2016 in Montpellier, in the exercise of his functions. The Advocate General had requested twenty years.

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