10 million French people have already received a booster dose

Vaccination is progressing, so is the fifth wave: the threshold of 10,000 hospitalized patients was exceeded on Saturday, for the first time since mid-September.

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Ten million French people have received their booster dose of vaccine against Covid-19, announced on Saturday, December 4, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. “New appointments will continue to open every day so that all eligible people can make their reminder on time”, he tweeted.

At the same time, Public Health France announced that 51,624 new confirmed cases of Covid had been recorded in 24 hours in France, against 37,218 a week earlier. Another sign of the acceleration of the fifth wave, the threshold of 10,000 hospitalized patients has been exceeded, for the first time since the fourth wave in mid-September, with 11,340 beds occupied.

In 24 hours, 119 patients entered intensive care (they were 102 a week ago), according to data published by Public Health France. 49 people have died since yesterday in hospital, a figure that rose to 34 a week ago.

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