10% chance that the Nordiques will return, according to Eric Girard

There is a 10% chance that a National Hockey League (NHL) team will settle in Quebec, estimated Tuesday the “Minister of the Nordics”, Eric Girard. He also described as “legitimate and very solid” the criticism about a subsidy of 5 to 7 million dollars for the arrival of the Los Angeles Kings in October 2024.

In a demonstration to journalists, the Minister of Finance declared that there was a “50/50 chance” that the NHL would launch an expansion project in the next five years. “There are at least five cities that would be candidates,” added Mr. Girard, naming Atlanta, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, Houston and Quebec. The probabilities that Quebec will have a franchise are therefore 10%, concluded the economist.

Mr. Girard also said he took note of the “severe criticism” and the “very negative reaction” to the granting of a subsidy for the arrival of the Kings. “Where the criticism is legitimate and solid is at the level of cost,” he added. “Yes, I would have liked it to cost two million less, certainly. There was this offer on the table. We tried to negotiate down and then it was that or nothing. So I take responsibility and I hear the criticism,” he assured.

There is no question for the Quebec government of going back on this commitment. The arrival of the Kings is, in fact, the first step in a series of actions that the minister intends to take to attract the NHL.

Further details will follow.

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