1.2 billion claimed by the UN to help women in conflict zones

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) launched an international appeal on Tuesday to raise US$1.2 billion in 2023 to provide health assistance to some 66 million women and girls in 65 countries. , primarily in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen.

This UN agency (UNFPA, according to its acronym in French) is responsible for sexual and reproductive health issues for women and young girls.

Its appeal for funds represents a very small part of that, record, that the UN agencies launched on 1er December for 2023: $51.5 billion, an increase of 25% year-on-year, to meet the humanitarian needs of some 230 million people, up sharply due to the war in Ukraine or the effects of climate change, such as the risk of famine in Africa.

“When crises strike, women and girls face a higher risk of violence, exploitation and sexual abuse”, points out Tuesday, in a report on the humanitarian action of the UNFPA, its boss Natalia Kanem .

She is pleased that her agency has provided “in 2022 vital assistance to more than 30 million women, girls and young people, particularly in terms of emergency obstetric care, family planning, contraception and emergency responses to sexual violence”. .

But “needs are increasing and inequalities remain”, worries Mme Kanem. For these reasons, UNFPA is “appealing for $1.2 billion to provide lifesaving services and protect approximately 66 million women, girls and young people in 65 countries”.

The top eight countries where the humanitarian needs of women and girls are greatest are those experiencing conflict or civil unrest: Afghanistan ($289 million in funds required), Syria ($73 million), Ukraine ( $70 million), Yemen ($70 million), Somalia ($63 million), Sudan ($62 million), Democratic Republic of Congo ($62 million) and Ethiopia ($45 million).

The eight largest donors in 2022 for UNFPA are the United States, other United Nations agencies, the United Kingdom, Australia, Norway, Canada, the European Commission and Denmark.

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