??? France Bleu Besançon supports cinema and invites you! ???

France Bleu Besançon supports cinema

Large complexes or “small” cinemas in our territories, France Bleu Besancon
invites you to live the emotions of cinema in large format.
Laugh, joy, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, love, friendship, cinema is always a vector of all feelings of body, heart and soul.

Cinema in Franche-Comté

In Franche-Comte, the cinema is multiple, and necessarily near you. A chance ! ?

The Cinemavia
to Gray, Paris
in Morteau, The Stella
in Baume-les-Dames, Cineode Le Mont d’Or
in Metabief, The Eldorado Cinema
in Ornans, Space Méliès
in Lure, Space Moliere
in Luxeuil, The Megarama
of Lons-le-Saunier, Cinema Saint-Michel
in Maiche, the Cinéode Ciné-Comté
in Poligny, The home
in Pont-de-Roide, Cinema 3 Republics
in Champagnole, or The Cine-Foyer
from Dampierre-sur-Salon or Charmoille Cinema
which also offers its “Festival of the 60th anniversary of the Cinema of Charmoille” from this Friday 21/10 with 28 films offered! – without forgetting the essentials Majestic Space of Lights
in Vesoul, Valentine’s School Megarama
in Greater Besançon, Olympia Cinema
from Pontarlier, Fine Arts Megarama
from Besançon and Majestic Les Tanneurs
in Dole, all the cinemas offer you the best of emotions, to sharethe time of a film.

Win your cinema invitations

The whole weekfrom Monday October 17 to Sunday October 23, 2022, France Bleu Besançon offers you your cinema tickets.
Listen to France Bleu Besançon, and don’t stray too far from your phone : it could be useful! ?

source site-35