vendredi, mars 14, 2025

Curran (Curran POV # 1-2) par Gordon Andrews


4 1/2 à 5 étoiles

Extrait Voie de la Licorne
(Scène de « Magic Bites »)

(voir spoiler)

Moonlight from gaps in the ceiling illuminated the scene as she stepped through the gap. She came in sideways, slowly and carefully, carrying a sword. An odd-looking blade, pale. She held it like she knew what she was doing, but her faith in its ability to protect her was misplaced. The tips of my claws, wanting to come out, caused the inside of my skin to itch. She had one sword, but I had ten claws.


4 1/2 to 5 stars

Excerpt from Unicorn Lane
(Scene from « Magic Bites »)

(view spoiler)

Moonlight from gaps in the ceiling illuminated the scene as she stepped through the gap. She came in sideways, slowly and carefully, carrying a sword. An odd-looking blade, pale. She held it like she knew what she was doing, but her faith in its ability to protect her was misplaced. The tips of my claws, wanting to come out, caused the inside of my skin to itch. She had one sword, but I had ten claws.

She scanned the area, stopped to listen, then moved forward again–stealthily, like a dancer–hiding in the nearest shadow before I caught a glimpse of her face. The draft brought another whiff of her scent. She paused and I knew she was peering into the gloom, trying to find me. I liked the way she moved, balanced and light, neither tiptoeing nor stiff. Nice body. Come to me, mouse, don’t be scared.

She took a step forward and I saw her in profile. Exotic, strong features. Not pretty, but I liked what I saw.

I drew my fingers through the dirt, scraping the floor a little.

She pivoted on one foot, turning her sword. Fast. Her head snapped toward me. Dark eyes stared straight at me. I detected no fear. Instead, it was a look of challenge. So not a mouse after all, but something more. This could be interesting. I’d let her dance in the dirt a bit more. She was fun to watch.

She crouched with her hand out. What the hell was she doing…?

« Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. »

(hide spoiler)]

Très cool qu’il y ait des scènes supplémentaires du POV de Curran.

Bien sûr, je ne peux pas (ou devrais-je dire que je ne vais pas ?) les lire tous puisque je n’ai lu que le premier livre de cette série pour le moment, mais les informations supplémentaires pour « Magic Bites » (Voie de la Licorne et celui de Fernando) étaient un petit régal savoureux.

Je serai de retour pour plus…


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