vendredi, mars 7, 2025

Arrest Made in Sarah Roque Murder Case: Army Sergeant’s Tragic Death Arrestation dans l’affaire de meurtre de Sarah Roque : la mort tragique du sergent d’armée

Des autorités enquêtent sur la mort d’un soldat, porté disparu et retrouvé mort à Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, en tant que meurtre. Le Spécialiste Wooster Rancy, 21 ans, du 5e bataillon du génie, a été inculpé pour le meurtre de la Sergent Sarah Roque, 23 ans. Rancy fait face à des accusations de meurtre et d’entrave à la justice. Il est actuellement en détention préventive en attendant une audience préliminaire. La mort de Roque a suscité une grande tristesse au sein de l’armée.

Authorities are treating the death of a soldier, who went missing but was later discovered deceased at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, as a homicide investigation.

The U.S. Army has charged Specialist Wooster Rancy, 21, from the 5th Engineer Battalion, in connection with the death of 23-year-old Sgt. Sarah Roque.

Rancy, originally from North Miami, Florida, serves as a combat engineer with the 509th Clearance Company within the 5th Engineer Battalion. He enlisted in the Army in 2022 and completed his Basic Combat Training at Fort Leonard Wood.

The charges against Rancy include murder and obstructing justice related to Roque’s death on October 20. These allegations are governed by Articles 118 and 131b of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Article 118 pertains to murder, defining it as the unlawful killing of a person, whereas Article 131b addresses actions that impede investigations or obstruct the legal process.

These are accusations, and Rancy is considered innocent until proven guilty, according to the press release.

Rancy is currently held in pretrial confinement as he awaits a preliminary hearing under Article 32 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. This hearing will assess whether there is adequate evidence to move forward with a court-martial.

Article 32 serves as a protection for service members against unsubstantiated claims. During the hearing, an investigating officer will evaluate evidence presented by both the prosecution and defense, and may call witnesses to provide testimony.

After the hearing, the investigating officer will create a report that includes recommendations on whether the case should proceed, be dismissed, or resolved through alternative routes. Rancy retains the right to legal representation and can present evidence in his defense.

According to the press release, the investigation remains ongoing.

Who is Sgt. Sarah Roque?

Roque, a resident of Ligonier, Indiana, served as a bridge crewmember and Mine Dog Handler with the K9 Detachment of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 5th Engineer Battalion.

She enlisted in 2020 and completed her Basic Combat Training at Fort Leonard Wood. During her military career, she received the Army Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal, and Army Service Ribbon.

Maj. Gen. Christopher Beck, commanding general of the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood, expressed heartfelt sorrow over this tragic loss, offering condolences to Roque’s family, friends, and fellow soldiers.

‘Sergeant Roque was not only a soldier but also a daughter, sister, and friend who served our nation with courage and honor. Her loss creates a significant gap in our unit, and while words may not alleviate the grief, we remain committed to providing care, resources, and support to those impacted during this challenging period.’

What is Fort Leonard Wood?

Fort Leonard Wood is a U.S. Army base situated in the Missouri Ozarks. Established in 1940, it primarily functions as a training facility for military personnel.

The installation hosts the U.S. Army Engineer School, the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) School, and the Military Police School. It also offers both basic and advanced individual training for soldiers.

The mission of Fort Leonard Wood is to prepare military personnel for various functions within the armed forces, especially in areas of engineering, chemical defense, and law enforcement operations. It ranks as one of the largest training centers in the U.S. Army.

Les autorités traitent le décès d’un soldat, qui a disparu et a ensuite été retrouvé mort à Fort Leonard Wood dans le Missouri, comme une enquête sur un homicide.

L’Armée américaine a accusé le spécialiste Wooster Rancy, 21 ans, du 5e Bataillon de génie, en lien avec la mort de la sergente Sarah Roque, âgée de 23 ans.

Rancy, originaire de North Miami, en Floride, est ingénieur de combat au sein de la 509e Compagnie de déminage du 5e Bataillon de génie. Il a rejoint l’Armée en 2022 et a terminé sa formation de base au Fort Leonard Wood.

Les accusations contre Rancy comprennent le meurtre et l’obstruction à la justice en rapport avec la mort de Roque le 20 octobre. Ces accusations sont régies par les articles 118 et 131b du Code uniforme de justice militaire.

L’article 118 concerne le meurtre, le définissant comme

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