La mise à jour 1.53 de Rust pour les corrections de bugs ce 13 octobre

Double Eleven a publié aujourd’hui la mise à jour 1.53 de Rust pour les versions console du jeu. Cette mise à jour comprend plusieurs modifications et corrections de bogues. Lisez la suite pour les notes de mise à jour complètes de Rust du 13 octobre ci-dessous.

Notes de mise à jour de la mise à jour 1.53 de Rust | Notes de mise à jour de Rust du 13 octobre :

Notre équipe analyse la mise à jour depuis un moment maintenant au et elle semble très prometteuse.


  • Rockets fired by the Bradley APC and the Attack Helicopter now move at the correct speed.
  • Reduced the distance that it takes for Scientists to stop being aggressive towards players.
  • Scientists will no longer continue shooting at killed players who respawn nearby and out of sight.
  • Scientists will no longer target players out of their range.
  • Removed collision from the debris of destroyed barrels.
  • Throwing items at shallow angles will no longer disappear.


  • Timed Explosives no longer disappear when thrown at objects.
  • Reduced the flashing effect when firing a weapon with the Holosight attachment at night.
  • Swapping one item of clothing with another when the inventory is full, will no longer cause the original item to be lost.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Incendiary Ammo to continue to damage killed players after they respawn.
  • Partial fix for Sheet Metal building blocks appearing completely white from a distance.
  • Frog Boots are back in the Clothing section of the crafting menu.
  • Players can no longer clip through floors or ceilings by using a Wooden Ladder.
  • Multiple Wooden Ladders can no longer be deployed on top of each other.
  • Partial fix for black shadows on ceilings when Campfire is lit.
  • Driving a boat no longer triggers Auto Equip for the active hotbar slot when Auto Equip is turned on in the Options Menu.

Les monuments

  • Fixed players being able to clip through vents at various monuments.
  • Fixed force crouching at Cargo Ship, Dome and Water Treatment Plant.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to clip through ceilings on the Cargo Ship.
  • Players are no longer blocked from travelling through the vents at the Launch Site.
  • Players can now only sleep for up to 30 minutes inside a Safe Zone, then they are automatically killed.
  • The Small Oil Refinery at the Outpost can be used to make Low Grade Fuel again.
  • Fixed texture issues at the Airfield.

interface utilisateur

  • Fixed an issue with the Death screen map soft-locking the game.
  • Fixed an issue with the In-game map preventing the UI from being interactable.
  • The Demolish option is now greyed out on the Hammer’s building/upgrade menu after 10 minutes, instead of being hidden. This ensures the menu options are always in the same position.
  • The death screen no longer shows the wrong information when you are killed by a Scientist or Bandit.
  • Fixed an issue that soft-locked the Tech Tree.
  • The map icon for the Locked Crate now disappears when the crate has been looted, or when it despawns.
  • Fixed various text localisation issues.

C’est tout pour les notes de mise à jour. Rust est maintenant disponible sur PC, PS4 et Xbox One.

La source: Rouiller

source site-125